Human Capital

Being a nonprofit doesn’t mean you don’t need the best people working for you. And it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be fairly compensated.


Nonprofits must make every salary dollar count. Purple Margins’ recruiting process uses stakeholder interviews and inventory to understand the needs of every position. Our proactive recruiting and top grading interviewing process finds and places high-quality candidates tailored to your needs.


Make sure your staff are being compensated fairly. Purple Margins assists with benchmarking staff compensation against industry averages. Plus, we carefully guide you on using such benchmarking results.

Benefits Planning

Benefits such as healthcare and retirement planning are crucial to staff. However, setting up and managing such benefit plans can be very complicated, even for a small nonprofit. Purple Margins will help you establish your benefit plans and guide you on their administration.

Compliance Check Up

Employing staff comes with compliance requirements. These requirements can be difficult to negotiate and can attract significant penalties when done incorrectly. Purple Margins will ensure that you check all the boxes on your employment compliance and will create a plan for you to stay compliant.

Don’t wait. Talk to our nonprofit human capital specialists today.